Sound Q BBQ

Sound Q BBQ

Stuffed bell pepper

One of the ways for restaurants (and home chefs) to run an efficient kitchen is to be able to multi-task basic menu items. A few posts down, I provided our chicken parm recipe, which included a homemade tomato sauce and sauteed pounded chicken cutlets. Using the same tomato sauce recipe, but adding some cooked ground chuck -- we made stuffed bell peppers!

Pulled Pork: Cooking weight vs eating weight

Weighing in on pulled pork.... raw unpulled pork butt (shoulder) yields around 50-60% cooked meat. So to calculate how much raw meat to cook for a large group of guests, first divide the desired portion (say 6 ounces per person) by the decimal percentage of your yield. In other words, divide the 6 by 0.5 or 0.6 in order to determine how much raw meat per serving you will need to cook.

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