24-Bit Dailies in a 16-Bit World

Seat Warmers - Hot food, bad dailies

The seat warmer trick, Or why to always back up your dailies before the PA runs away with the flash drives.

The seat warmers in many cars are sometimes used to help keep take-out food warm on the way home (or to your destination). It works pretty good; you might be surprised.

The problem can occur when PA's put the pouch containing electronic media onto the same passenger seat that is cranked up (to hot), next to the food. Some of those seats use induction coils to generate heat; and that can result in magnetic waves or RF that can mess up the media. Depends on the make/model of the vehicle.

I have also heard of instances of seat warmers messing up loose credit cards or magnetic strip entry cards.

Why 32-bit float has infinite headroom

Here is a link to an excellent explanation about 32-bit float record settings and why it is superior to 16bit/48k and 24bit/48k.

We do not plagiarize around here, so rather than copy & paste, we prefer to just provide you with the link to their site. It is a very informative article, and the best explanation of what 32-bit is all about.


Filmming in a Park

benchTwo characters enter a park, and are seated at benches close to each other. They strike up some interesting conversation, and eventually exit. Without getting into the content of the dialogue, and the plot surpirses -- essentially that is the premise (from a technical standpoint). Here are my thoughts about how to approach it for sound (and camera).