hsp82 front 2Tascam recently released firmware update v.1.20 for their HS-P82 multitrack field recorder. Here is a brief summary of the improvements.

The number one change and most requested firmware addition is the capability to re-name a file after it has been recorded and saved. Changing the file name while it is in the Tascam means that you also edit the metadata, which is preferable to just renaming the file name using conventional file renaming in Windows or Mac (which was the old way of doing it).

Another very useful improvement to the Tascam is that we can now adjust the incoming level of LINE INPUT feeds by means of the trim pots on the front. Previously, one had to go to a set-up screen and raise or lower the value of the reference tone (which affected line input as well). This new change lets us keep a negative 20 dB reference tone level, and adjust each line input same as we would adjust an incoming mic level signal (via the trim pot).

There is also a change to the file tree structure that provides more versatility in saving files. Previously, the structure consisted of an overall PROJECT NAME, a SCENE FOLDER, and TAKES. The full name of each take consisted of the SCENE FOLDER NAME, followed by a take number. Now, you have the option to use the scene folder as just an organizing folder, and to create a (different) scene & take number for each take. For example, the PROJECT NAME could be: "Soda Commercial". The FOLDER could be: "Cam Drive 7", and then the scene/take name could be "S_101b_T_01". This naming system also allows you to change scene names quicker on the fly.

Or, you could just keep the scene number as your FOLDER, "S_101b" and your take name would default to the scene folder name followed by take number, "S_101b_T_01".

The choice is yours. Personally, I prefer the new way, since it gives me one more way to organize all of my takes (by folder name as well as scene name).

Along with this change, there are now more options for assigning the hot keys on your external keyboard or your remote fader unit.

Another new feature is the ability to slave your RECORD/STOP to the incoming timecode. What that means is that if the camera is operating in a RECORD RUN mode, where the timecode generator starts and stops when the camera runs or stops -- thus generating a continuous timecode in the picture dailies -- you can do the same with your audio. The Tascam will start/stop based on the external timecode that is feeding the Tascam. It does require a physical (or wireless) connection between the master timecode (camera) and your recorder. However, it will satisfy those XXXXXXXX editors who have brainwashed the producers into demanding RECORD RUN code.

Here is the link for the firmware V1.20 update itself, and the documentation detailing the improvements:  http://tascam.com/product/hs-p82/downloads/

Download a complete copy of Ginsburg's Users Guide to the Tascam HS-P82 for Film & Video Applications, v1.20 that reflects the new firmware changes and improvements, as well as addressing & explaining the real world operation of this equipment for professional filmmaking.

See you all at Winter NAMM (Anaheim CA) where I will be at the Tascam booth.